Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sarah’s BLOG Entry

Over the weekend my classmates and I were surprised with a special valentines dinner. This was not just any meal, it was specially prepared by our fantastic leaders, Grace, Chrissy and Hannah. We were privileged to reap the benefits of their culinary talent. We clothed our steaming pasta with spicy tomato sauce, dipped our bread in bruschetta, and colored our plates with Caesar Salad all under the candle light of the AE room. In addition, our night was fragrantly topped with Chocolate Lava cakes. The sound of that name makes me hungry all over again. What would Valentines Day be without chocolate?

As I was away from my family on that special day, (I do miss you terribly btw Dad, Mom, and Melissa!!!) I was blessed with the reminder of my Divine Valentine.

Divine Valentine

-A valentine may give you flowers, but God sent you the most beautiful rose of all, Jesus. “I am the Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the valley.” Song of Solomon 2:1

- A valentine may be far away but God is always with you.

I am with you always” Matthew 28:20

- A valentine may give you something, but God has given you everything.
God…gives us rightly all thing to enjoy” 1 Timothy 6:17

Sarah Feeny

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