Thursday, February 19, 2009

5:15 am
Beep, beep, beep . . . Loud and distinct, the alarm clock's undeniable voice broke into my sleep reaching my subconscious mind and encouraging me to roll out of bed. The darkness of the pre-dawn sky did not keep me to feel wide awake. However, summoning my body to comply I sat up and began to get ready for the day.

5:55 am Pilates
Out of our room, across the hall, down the elevator, and into the AE (Advanced Excel) room, all seventeen of us went, gathering in the basement for our early morning pilates session. After clams, the hundred, side teasers, and many more exercises our muscles were ready for a break.

6:30 am Wisdom Search
We got encouragement for the day as we read a devotional called On the Anvil. Then, up to my room I scurried for "presto change-o" and prepared for breakfast.

8:00 am Breakfast
From the kitchen the delicious aroma of Apple Cinnamon coffee cake called us to come and delight our senses by enjoying a piece.

9:00 am Remodeling
Into our grubbies we went in order to tackle the rest of the painting and complete the project we started in room #317. Brushes flew, not one person or brush remaining idle, and we made good progress, finishing the first coat of paint on the trim and restoring most of the hardware to its correct location.

12:00 noon
Lunch, our "date with God," a session with Lauren, and we returned to paint the final coat on the trim.

4:30 pm Life Purpose Planning
We ditched our painting clothes and returned to the AE room for a session with Grace Gallagher. Tired and slightly stressed, we attempted to focus our complete attention on her. Then, from behind her chair she brought forth a treat; Strawberry Shortcake and Chocolate icecream bars! Joy! The sweet, refreshing taste brought smiles to our faces and chased all of our cares away. (Temporarily at least!) Relaxed and happy, we were all able to listen attentively.

7:00 pm
Team Time completed our day. We enjoyed making a cornice board for above the window in room #317, and pestering Kristin Young with questions about interior design.

10:00 pm Lights Out
I crawled into bed. The softness of the mattress and the cozyness of the covers felt wonderful as I began to doze. Wrapped in my Heavenly Father's love, I allowed myself to fall deeply asleep.

Thank you, God, for such a wonderful day!

-Sarah Poss
II Corinthians 3:4-5

1 comment:

mattposs said...

Hey, Sarah!! Sounds like you are having a wonderful time! I love you!! ~Your Brother, Matt