Wednesday, February 7, 2007

February 7, 2007

Hi my name is Catherine, I’m here at Advanced EXCEL located in the beautiful downtown suburbs of Dallas, Texas. We started off our day with the shrill ring of our beloved alarm clocks at 5:40am, followed by a joyous time of crying out during the time of 6-6:45 am as we attempted to become proficient in the aerobic exercise of Pilates.

We had a smashing wisdom search this morning lead by our very own Katey O. Amidst the loud moans and groans, which were a result of our rigorous excercise, she shared with us the significant importance of the Command of Christ #6.

Our first session was a lot of fun! Melisa McKim spoke with all of us about the importance of truly becoming a Proverbs 31 woman. Melisa was fun to listen to and shared some great points with us.

This afternoon we got to begin our Interior Design course on some of the rooms on the third floor. We had a wonderful time sanding down the base boards, taking the nails out of the doors, taking the draperies down and washing down the walls. Two of our incredibly, awesome, amazing, wonderful, splendid and fabulous leaders Sarah and Jennifer were with us the whole time. All of us had such a blast!

Tonight after a profitable time of studying, we got in line for dinner and then got to go outside to eat.

I am so glad that God has brought me here to Advanced EXCEL! I have already learned so much and have made 16 awesome new best friends. Today was a good day to be alive, I am so glad that I am here! To God be all glory!

All of the above was written by our very own Katy O. She is truly a sweet, hilarious, godly young lady. I'm glad that she is here, along with the 13 other young ladies here at A.E. She found out that I had forgotten to write the first blog for Advanced Excel 15 and knowing how tired I am from all the exercise, sanding, and studying, she took it upon herself to write it for me. She described the day quite well. Please contiune to pray as we prepare our speeches to give on Feb 13th, also that we would continue to do our best in all our studies.

Catherine Nicolls

Jennifer, Gina, & Sarah

Catherine, Elisabeth, & Sarah

Katey O.